Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Duck Dynasty Fiasco

I'm going to go way off-topic to vent here:

The Duck Dynasty fiasco....yeah, I've heard about that one.  Yes, Phil has the "freedom of speech."  No one is taking that away from him.  Just like A&E has the freedom not to use that speech on their network.  He can say what he wants, where he wants, when he wants.  A&E chooses what to air.  Just like PBS could choose what to air when a lesbian couple tried to do "Postcards from Buster" and it never aired.  Seriously, youtube it.  It happened.  Networks can air what they like, which is whatever supports the view of the network.  Phil is not only entitled to his opinion, he's entitled to say it when he likes, where he likes, and how he likes.  He's not entitled to be broadcasted by people who don't share that view.

But never fret!  Duck Dynasty is getting more support than ever over this, and I'm sure they'll be doing fine for years to come based on the continuous use of constant controversy.

It's just not hypocritical of a station to say, "We support this view," and then not air someone blatantly going against it.  That's the opposite of hypocrisy, actually.  They don't want or need a balanced view because, not only have they made up their minds, they're not interested in changing it.

It's a lot like how churches are defrocking a man for officiating a gay marriage, actually.  The church doesn't want it in the church, and that's not something they're going to negotiate.  And they don't have to.  They shouldn't have to.  Boy Scouts didn't allow gays for many years, and I truly believe that the eventual folding was due to societal pressure.  But that pressure was wrong.  Scouts shouldn't have to include those that they don't want to include.  Like it or not, it's a private club for people of like minds.  These private organizations go both ways with their rules, for and against LGBT.

Whether I personally agree with the decisions of the organizations one way or the other isn't relevant.  I would love for Scouts and churches to welcome members of the LGBT community with open arms, and I think it'd make a huge statement about Christian love (especially in the churches).  But I have to remember: They have the right to do things their way.  I'm sorry their way isn't your way, but their way is obviously working for them.

And to the "Christian Soldiers" who are bombarding my facebook newsfeed: You protesting just gets them MORE publicity, gets MORE people into the show ("Who is this wonderful Christian tv family?"), and makes them more money.  The only bad publicity is no publicity.  A&E as well as the Duck Dynasty family are going to make money hand-over-fist over this "suspension."  That's why it's a suspension.  They don't look as if they're caving in to bring him back.  They're making all the money, looking like a strong moral authority on tolerance and fairness, and winning back the Christian audience by looking as if they're giving in later.  If you really want to make a statement, turn off the tv and stop buying the merchandise that the family doesn't make themselves (magazines, full seasons of the show, episodes on itunes, anything produced, endorsed, or marketed by A&E).

And please, stop quoting Leviticus at me.  I guarantee anyone who gets huffy at this letter has broken at least 5 of the rules within that book.  Follow all or none, please and thank you.

If you're curious: I support LGBT.  I also support the right of individual (non-government regulated or funded) groups to do as they please with their super secret club rules, even the exclusionary ones.